Town Vamp
Made by [Tis gone but never gone]
Welcome to Town Vamp ^vv^
This is a town for vampire and only vampire but something bad has happened the werewolves have moved into the town, now there is a war starting betweem them. They fight every night and day, many vampires and werewolves have died. Could a group of young vampires that are friends with young werewolves stop the fighting? Maybe? Who knows, but they need your help.
Vamps army
Weres army
Young Vamps & Weres rebels
1.No sex on this wiki, please go on
Town Vamp R&R room for that but there is a password.Pleas
e ask me for it or if I'm not on please just skip time with your characters.
2.No being mean to anyone on this wiki.
3.When you are chanllege to a fight please go on Town Vamp fighting room for that, there is no password for it.
4.Please use proper english, no text talk and don't worry about spelling.
5. You can only have three characters each.
6.If you want to join please send a message to [Tis gone but never gone].
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